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Hyperion Auctions Bi-Monthly Fine Art & Antiques Sale Militaria Special


Starting at 11.00am on Saturday 19th October is our Fine Art & Antiques Sale, this time we have a specialist section of over 100 Lots of Mainly World War 2 German Third Reich and British Army Items dating from WW1.

One of our more interesting lots is a one of Herman Goering’s Personal Cigars Taken From His Train Car By U.S. Soldiers at the end of the War in 1945. These where taken back to US and are slowly appearing on the market as they come out of private collections around the world.

Herman Goering’s Personal Cigars
Herman Goering’s Personal Cigars
Lot 46 showing our RAF Boys enjoying a few beverages prior to a mission which many didn't return from
Lot 46 RAF Boys enjoying a few beverages
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