A very new and exciting venture called 'The Courtyard' which will include up to 20 individual businesses in a box/pod - who will sell everything from crafts to homewares, furniture, trinkets, gifts, antiques, baby clothes, refurbed items, retro chic etc etc. Open 7 days a week 9-5 (10-4 Sunday). This is based on the cobbles in the Hyperion Yard and will mirror our Antique Centre in that each box/area is managed by individual dealers.
Hyperion Auctions has had a complete makeover and we are now open for business from 15th June. We have upgraded our auction systems, new security, painted and decorated ! and re-branded with new signage and now accept entries for our FINE ART sale on 20th June. Social distancing guidelines are being adhered to and viewing will be appointment only. Running alongside our house clearance and auction business we are very excited to announce will now be offering 'Estate Services' - more on this later
Finally, we have upgraded our 25 dealer areas in the Antique Shop with social distancing measures in place.
We now have a very large collection of very high quality Silver in the shop. We open for business on Monday 15 June at 9am and our friendly dealers cant wait to get back to business.